Arizona Sustainability Leadership Award (Art) | Radically Reimagining the Human Relationship with Nature
Lauren Hayes
Best Paper Award NIME2020 | New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Nuanced and Interrelated Mediations and Exigencies (NIME): Addressing the Prevailing Political and Epistemological Crises
Lauren Hayes & Adnan Marquez-Borbon
Seed Grant | Herberger Research Council
Wearable Rehabilitation Systems for Visual Activity Sensing and Audio/Haptic Feedback
Lauren Hayes (PI) & Robert LiKamWa (PI)
Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) Faculty Fellow Grant
Lauren Hayes
Interdisciplinary Project Collaboration Grant | Herberger Research Council
LLEAPP: Laboratory for Laptop and Electronic Audio Performance Practice
Lauren Hayes (PI) & Jules Rawlinson (co-PI)
City of Tempe and ASU Partnership Grant | City of Tempe, AZ
Lauren Hayes (PI) & Julian Stein (co-PI)
Mayo Symposium Scholarship Grant for Artists | Arizona Commission on the Arts
Lauren Hayes
Best Paper Award ICMC 2016 | International Computer Music Association
Sound, Electronics and Music: an evaluation of early embodied education
Lauren Hayes (PI)
Interdisciplinary Project Collaboration Grant | Herberger Research Council
HEAR-ME: A Multi-sensory Investigation into Enhanced Music Perception of Cochlear Implant Users
Lauren Hayes (PI) & Xin Luo (PI)