Sentience Lecture Series
Co-sponsored by the Centre for Sensory Studies and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC)
This virtual lecture series will probe the bounds and varieties of sentience. The aim is to arrive at a general theory of sentience, in all its multiplicity. All lectures are held via Zoom. Follow the links to the individual events to learn more and register.
Questions include:
What is sentience?
Is it contingent on the possession of a nervous system?
How is sentience distributed beyond the human?
How does sentience differ from intelligence (including Artificial Intelligence)?
Topics include:
Animal senses
Human sentience
Animate artefacts
New media art
Sentience is organized by David Howes, professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Sponsored by the Centre for Sensory Studies and co-sponsored by the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC) and two CISSC Working Groups: Colonial, Racial and Indigenous Ecologies (CRIE) and Sensing Atmospheres.
